Opened for research in 2007 by the Hoover Institution, within Stanford University, the diaries of Chiang Kai-Shek mark a new era for modern Chinese history studies. Book author Yuan Tah-Zen has published research papers based on his studying of the diaries and related documents. The first chapter “Chiang Kai-Shek v.s. Chen Li-Fu” reveals how Chen Li-Fu stopped Chang Chun from forming a cabinet, and the reason why Chiang Kai-Shek expatriated Chen Li-Fu. The second chapter “Successor to CKS’s presidential position” analyzes how Huang Shao-Gu lost his chance to the presidential position because of the Lei Zhen affair, and why Chen Cheng stepped down as President of the Executive Yuan in 1963. The third chapter “Some words for George K.C. Yeh” studies the diaries of Chiang Kai-Shek and Yuan Yi-Cheng and describes how George K.C. Yeh was removed from his position as ambassador in Washington in 1961, and was accused of “insulting the government,” “swindling,” and “treason.” The last chapter tells the story of Chiang Kai-Shek, including how he coerced Wang Jing-Wei to be the vice president of Kuomintang, how Dai Li died in a plane crash, and Chiang’s interaction with Sun Li-Ren and Peng Meng-Qi after his retreat to Taiwan in 1949, and his secret trip to Tainan. Comparing the diaries of Chiang and those of his father, Yuan Yi-Cheng, he unraveled mysteries including reasons why Chiang expatriated Chen Li-Fu, chose Yen Chia-Kan instead of Chen Cheng for the successor of his presidential position, and removed George K.C. Yeh from his position as ambassador in Washington. In 16 articles and 4 chapters, the book includes stories of the Nationalist Party’s retreat to Taiwan in 1949, the political sects in Kuomintang, and the big names in the modern politics of China and Taiwan.